TELEMEDICINE : 56 year-old gentleman with A feeling of warm body temperature on-and-off since 20 years

A 56 year-old gentleman, from Karimnagar, who is a shop owner since the past 7 years, complains of a feeling of warm body temperature, Running nose (Cold) and Cough (rarely) on and off since 20 years

Previously, he was working in the RTC for almost 8 years, before which he worked in Marketing for 15 years.

History of Presenting Illness :

- The feeling of warmth / raised body temperature : It is not attributed to actual rise in body temperature (Fever) as checked with the thermometer. Upon checking with a thermometer , the temperature is normal, sometimes even lower (95, 97, 98 degrees Fahrenheit). It is associated with running nose.

 - Running Nose : Nasal Discharge is watery in consistency, colourless and is associated with seasonal changes. It is not associated with sore throat.

- He is unable to go on daily morning walks due to these symptoms. Previously, when he had to travel a lot for work (while working in the RTC), he would often fall sick , developing fever and runny nose.

- The colour of his eyes are slightly yellow, compared to before, but not very noticeable. Sometimes, his eyes are watery which is usually associated with running nose.

- No history of loose stools, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, headache, weakness.

Past Medical History : 

He has a history of Hyperuricaemia, Hypercholesterolaemia , GERD, Indigestion and Excessive Flatulence since the past 15 years. He had a history of a small Gastric Ulcer 15 years ago, and had Malaria 2 years ago. He is anaemic ( Hb =11mg/dl)

No history of DM, HTN, Asthma,TB, CAD.

Drug History : 

  • Tab. Atorvastatin and Fenofibrate Tablets 10/160mg 
  • Tab. Febuxostat 40mg
  • Tab. Azithromycin 500 mg OD (5 Days) - on Local MD General Physician's advise, as he suspected Typhoid fever.
Widal Test showed a Positive Result 

  • Tab. Vitamin C 500mg 
  • Tab. Paracetamol - when ever he feels feverish
  • Tab. Pantoprazole for GERD 
  • Homeopathic medicine for the issue related to the feeling of warmth

He has a history of allergy to dust, pollen,etc.

Family History

Not significant

Personal History :

  • Diet - Vegetarian (He avoids Non-Vegetarian diet, as advised by his physician to control Uric Acid Levels)
  • Appetite - Normal
  • Bowel and Bladder Movement - Normal
  • Habits - None

Telemedicine Disclaimer :

"Always be in touch with your local physician and inform him her about any decision that you take and essentially keep him/her in the loop (even if it's on Whatsapp) as the local physician can respond immediately, physically in case of any sudden physical unpredictable issues). "


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