A 22 year old lady with sore throat, fever and diarrhea

A 22 year-old lady came to the hospital with the Chief complaints of :
1. Sore Throat
2. Fever
3. Increased frequency of passing stools - 4 times a day (diarrhea) since 1 day.

 History of presenting illness : 

- The patient was apparently asymptomatic 1 day ago when she presented with :

 - Sore throat since 1 day. It was not associated with a cold, running nose, cough. 

 - Passed semi-solid, yellow colored stool (Type 5 or 6, as per Bristol Stool Chart) at 5 AM.
 The patient passed similar stools 4-5 times over the duration of the whole day . 

- After which, the patient performed a warm, salt water gargling, followed by drinking warm water to soothe the throat, but the sore throat had still not subsided.

 - Fever since 1 day (38.8 degrees Celsius), which persisted for the entire day, continuous type of fever, not associated with chills and rigors. (But the patient was wearing a jacket and was covering the body with a blanket the whole day because she was feeling slightly cold with goosebumps). 

- The oral body temperature was higher in the morning and afternoon as compared to the night. 

- Patient did not use any medication like Paracetamol to relieve the fever.

- No aggravating factors.

 - Associated with slight headache. 

 - History of fatigue is present 

- No history of symptoms like night sweats or weight loss, loss of smell and taste sensation, conjunctivitis, rash on skin, Shortness of breath, Chest pain, loss of speech or movement. 

 Travel history : 

- No history of travel to any place (Nationally or Internationally) since the past 11 months. 

Past history : 

- No history of recent contact with COVID-19 positive patients or family members. 

- No history of previous COVID-19 infection.

 Family history : 

- Not significant 

 Personal History : 

- Diet : Mixed 

- Appetite : Normal 

- Sleep : Adequate

- Bowel and Bladder movements : Regular

- No habits like consumption of alcohol or smoking 

 Menstrual history : 

- Age of menarche - 11 years 

- Cycle - 5/30 days,

- She uses 2 pads a day 

- No history of cramps or clots 

 Treatment history : 

- None taken


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